Then it was food time! Linda and Lauren went for pizza while Andrew and Kelsey decided that at least once they should go McDonalds! Tip for future: don't order a milk shake without asking for it cream free! Totally spoilt by a cream top to it!
Then it was waiting....and we got on the plane at around 9.30pm. We were a little late in taking off but were air bound by 10.30! Night have to try to sleep. Sleeping is never easy in a plane! We also gained 5 hours so we touched down at 9.30am at Heathrow! Then another wait for the flight to Aberdeen! More customs and security! Then more waiting for the plane!
I think this is the worst we have felt when getting home with jet lag! We got home around 4pm and we basically went to bed for 4 or 5 hours! Then we were up for something to eat and then back to bed! Another 12 hours plus and we were back up! Still not quite compus mentus but getting there! I will be adding more to my blog very soon! I will sum up the trip, New York and some do's and dont's for going to NYC,

Me on the News! I'm on the TV!

Checking my flight reservations!

'Oi! Privacy please!'

Sprucing up for the flight!

Not quite the view we hoped for!

Breakfast view in Bryant Park! Empire State in the background!

New York Public Library. I tried to get a copy of 'Paddington' but they did not have one! Tut!

Sitting relaxing at Grand Central Station! You must sit a lot as there are no trains!

My last indulgence! New York cheese cake!

Checking my portfolio before we go! Always best to be on top of things!
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