Turra Ted is planning his annual holiday once again! And this year he is going back to where it ALL began 12 years ago! Yes...he is going back 'Down Under' on a trip to the great country of AUSTRALIA! He can't wait to share his trip this year...so keep an eye out for a new style of blog this year! Well, sign on and follow his travels this summer!
Monday, 1 September 2014
Friday, 29 August 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge!
Who picks on poor little bears to do a nice bucket challenge!
Never mind.....I will donate to the WWF!!
I'm glad I'm not a polar bear!!
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Cruising......the canals!
Well, today was a better weather wise and as a whole! They got up later....as there was no rush to get to see Anne's house today....so by the time they made it to breakfast the breakfast area was quite busy! It always makes you worry when there re signs saying, 'Do not leave bags unattended!'
So after breakfast they headed out....and the first thing on the list was a romantic cruise....not of the the red light area....but the canals! There at so many to choose from that it's just a matter of picking one and going for it! They didn't want the cocktail cruise or the dinner cruise, well it was only 11am, or the harbour cruise or the red light district cruise! But they chose the '100 sights in an hour' cruise! Mind you, I don't think they counted as they could have been short-changed! Mind you they did see some odd sights on the way so perhaps they count too!
The boat, barge, cruiser or what ever you want to call it left the dock area down by the Centraal Station and navigated along the 'Open Havenfront' which took you through part of the harbour area and past one or two of the more modern, new hotels down at the harbour area like The Doubletree by Hilton! This very modern hotel looked lovely, especially compared to theirs, and friends had stayed their previously.
The cruiser then took us up and along a number of different canals. Some wide, some narrow and some where the captain had to make hand break turns to turn the boat 90 degrees so he could line up the next bridge he wanted to go under!
The boat was quite full and there must have been around 40-50 people on the boat. A commentary played along as you went and of course it was replayed in multiple languages for every one so in reality you only got short snippets in each language every few minutes.
The views were very nice and I managed to get out for a while and get some more photos taken. But, after a while you find it difficult telling one view from another one on a different canal. But, to be fair, some of the buildings along the canals do very....depending on whet here they were originally built as houses or warehouses. However, some were more salubrious than others and you new these by the fact that they had double fronted windows on either side of the door where the majority only had single fronted windows! There were also some from a more classical time when the design was quite different. However, you would have thought that many would have been built at the same time as each other but if they were why were the designs and building materials so different? Even the window levels don't match up as two buildings of the same height could easily have one floor of a difference in them.
The cruiser was totally covered in glass and did have windows that opened but it was difficult to get photos of either side so A did spend some time at the open area at the back of the boat so you had the chance to get photos of either side, only one other guy took the chance to do this.
About half way through we passed Anne's house...and the queues appeared to be just as long....but they were able to queue in the warmth of the sun. Mind you it could be as difficult having to queue for that length of time in the heat as it was in the sun!
Anne's house was on the Prinsen gracht canal, the outer of the three main horseshoe canals and at the end we crossed a little bit of the harbour once again to make it back to where we started. The hour had gone quickly and it was a great way of seeing a lot of the area from a different perspective.
There were a lot of houseboats on the canals and these seem very popular places to live. Some appeared very swish and quite modern while others were decidedly 'oldy worldly' and despite their charm could have been doing with a spruce up and paint!
Once off the cruise they paid a quick visit to the railway station to see how often trains ran to Schipol Airport for tomorrow! There seems to be many and they will easily manage to get any number of choice!
So...now they were heading off for a walk before lunch. The idea was to go round the outer canal and se if they could walk right round and back to the station! They made their way and made it out to the Prinsen Gracht again and followed the canal side. Although they had sailed part of it earlier it was a lot better than being in the city centre where they had spent most time so far. It was quieter and less frenetic...although you still had to watch out for the cyclists as they are mad and think they rule everything! They would not be so bad...but they can apparently go any direction on either side of the road so that crossing roads or moving out of the way of oncoming pedestrians, as NO one seems to move over for you, is a tricky thing as you have to look both ways before moving!
However, being further out meant the streets were a lot nicer and it was a lot cleaner. That is one thing they have noticed since they arrived - the city is not very clean. Litter seems to be a real issue and every where seems to be very untidy. The bin men have large poles of rubbish to collect at road ends or road sides but they only take the bags and boxes and a lot of the loose items are left...presumably for the street sweepers to get. But for a city that depends so much on the tourist to help stimulate it's economy you would think they would try harder to keep it looking nice.
Their idea for lunch was to have a picnic on the canal side....but they came upon a little cafe that had a canal barge where you could sit and eat. It was funny....they said they could not serve on the boat, but if you took your stuff from the cafe to the boat that was fine! So....they orders bread and dip, a brownie and a muffin and cold drinks! The bread took a few minutes to prepare but it was very nice. Sitting on the barge watching the world go by and the numerous barges, boats and pedalos and glide past was lovely. They ordered more drinks so they could continue to sit and enjoy the atmosphere.
So...are these BOTH mine??
Once off again it was not long till they made it to Anne's house....and if you did not know about it you really would not give it a second look. They have built on part of the museum adjoining the house and they must have the neighbouring building also that acted as the part of the museum that you made your way back down for the secret annexe. You could see the windows were blacked out and the queues were still just as long!
They continued on....but eventually decided that as it was very warm they would stop half way and make their way back to the hotel. The distances are deceptive and the walk down to the hotel,was still quite a distance...especially as it meant popping in and out of shops! L even did a Michele and bought something really stupid and A will need to pack it for coming home! Why, oh why, would you buy a garden flower box....even though it is nice....when it will need to be packed in the case??
Anyway, they will head out later to the shops once again and a final meal out! Then it will be time to pack up and head home tomorrow!!
Oh..ha ha....they always do this! This is at the stock exchange! Seems a lot of bull to me!
Now, this is more lime it! Let's go!!
Monday, 28 July 2014
Wet! Wet! WET!!!
Well.....last night the thunder came on at bedtime and rumbled for a few hours....the lightning lighting up the sky then the rumbles....getting ever nearer and nearer!
They were up early today....as ALL the advance tickets for Anne Franks House are sold out until....well....a couple of weeks yet! So...it would be the 'muggles' queue for us! BUT...against the script....it was raining! They had hoped the rain would do the right thing and fall during the night and stay off during the day! Well....no one told the rain-maker that!!
They went for breakfast and although not long after 8am it was quite busy! Plain but enough choice the breakfast was 'fine' as A apparently always says! So....the time was here to make the decision....to go or not to go! Well, there was only one choice- we had to get out of the cell!
So....waterproof jacket on.....NO waterproof trousers for A as L had decided he would NOT need them! Well, so much for her ESP powers! It was early and the streets were quiet! Even for a Monday morning...but the shops don't seem to open until 10am so perhaps that meant it was quieter! The trams trundled along regardless and looked a good bet! They walked up the Main Street till they came to the turn off to take them across the three canals they had to cross to get to Annes's! Well...perhaps the weather had deterred people and it was going to be quiet! By now the rain was persistently heavy...but we kept on going in hope it would be quiet!
Well...they crossed a street and saw a queue! Perhaps this was the tram queue....a queue of the Prostitutes Museum...well...what else do you do in teaming rain if not at Anne a Franks?? But, no...it was the queue for the most famous house in Amsterdam. We got there and joined what we thought was the end....before two guys from the museum guided the line that was now doubling back on itself to come round the corner beside us and keep in a straight line. So...we skipped a little of the queue inadvertently so...we hoped it would be ok. But it was one of those lines when you could not see the end of it
But, worse than that by now the heavens had opened...every possible drain from heaven had opened and it was bouncing almost as high off the ground as it had come down from! We stood.....water proof jackets.....well....shower proof really.....with Linda's little brollies.....thinking it was quite funny. Well, what else could you do! But it tipped.....and tipped and TIPPED....even Amazonian animals would have been running for shelter....and they stood (thank goodness for camera bags!!!) hoping that some of the queuers ahead might 'bail out' of the line! But no! Everyone huddled.....under brollies or many in long plastic ponchos (some guy was making a killing!) laughing and realising there was nothing they could do. But....even the little shelter the brolly offered and jacket....could not alleviate the oncoming threat of the water soaking slowly up your trouser legs! Shoes were squelching, socks were soaking and Linda's jacket was a little shorter so she felt the run off in places she didn't want!
So....they queued....and queued...and queued....the line edging forward in small bursts...and eventually after about 45 minutes they got to a sign saying.....approximately 45 minutes from here....as long as it's not tipping and teaming it down with rain!!
So....occasionally the rain eased and everyone thought.....yes...is it going to stop....but then it upped the level again and chucked it down! As long as you didn't move it was ok....but as soon as you had to move...even a few steps....you felt the soaking we trousers stick to your legs as you went....and the squelch from the feet.....was like squeezing a sponge!
But....eventually they made it! Now...to be fair to the museum...they sent out one or two poor workers with armfuls of brollies to dish out and Linda managed to get one which did help. Good for them for customer service!
Once in they paid and peeled off jackets and were given a couple of bags to put the wet things in! Then they were off....but as ever...it was a NO camera venue! And you had to have bags on your front and not your back!
The house extends over five floors.....the first two being Mr Franks business premises which he had to 'sign over' to his non-Jewish associates so the Nazis would not think it was owned by Jews. He had made the decision that the only way to try and avoid capture and transfer to a concentration camp was to hide away in secret. The two two floors under the loft were made in to a small self contained flat with a few rooms. He asked his most trusted friends and colleagues if they would help them by keeping their secret and providing them with food, clothes and the other items they would need to survive in total isolation! Four of them promised to do so and so two families moved in to be locked away in secret isolation - for how long they did not know. The entrance was hidden behind a book case that was built in front of it that would swing open to reveal the door to the steps up to the hidden flat!
Of course we all know that Anne wrote her diary during her stay there and wrote it every day in a revealing way that belied her age. Her father knew of the diary....but promised never to read it...and he did not until after returning to Amsterdam on his release after liberation....the only one of the two families to survive their eventual betrayal and transfer to Auschwietz and the gas chambers? He ensured her ambition was realised by getting the diaries published for all to read in 1947.
The museum is a very strange one...there is very little to see....but it is very atmospheric and it shows information....mainly in written form as you make your way round slowly in a queue shuffling bit by bit. You rise to the first floor and the second floor and it builds the imagery up as you go. Then ou reach the bookcase. It sits ajar and you stoop down and take a large step up on to the narrow, steep steps that lead to the hidden annexe. The rooms are small, sparse and have no furniture in them. Only the occasional glass case with some photos or text and images on the wall allow you to sense what it was like. You imagine it would be furnished....but all you ca. See is a photo in each room of how it was furnished in a reconstruction for the photos you see. The rooms would be too small to allow the number of visitors through with furniture there also. Each room has a security camera viewing you at all times to ensure no phots are taken. From one room to the next you shuffle and climb more narrow, steep steps. The windows are blacked out and the signs tell you that they could never be opened in day light in case it gave away the fact that people were there. So....there they were....in cramped, confined spaces with no day light....no fresh air and little room for two families to co-habit for a few days...let alone years. But they did.....and their friends helped them and supported them and they alsmost made it to liberation! Anne wrote of her dreams, her worries and all the things she wished she could do....even just seeing outside and feeling frah air all around her. The final steps to the loft are sealed but you can see the space via mirrors and you can see why they would want to escape up their from time to time to get some space and privacy.
As you begin to make your way down you read more extracts of the diary and as the line is so slow you read everyone as you pass. There are video displays that recount the memories of Ott Frank and some of his helpers, who although all arrested on their discovery by the Gestapo also survived to the end of the war.
This is a moving and understated museum and the pangs of slight disappointment at how simple it is truly give you a very slight idea of what it must have been like!
This is a museum to make you think, reflect and consider the freedom people four for. As one
ex-American soldier from the war said about his visit years later, 'I realise now what I was fighting for.'
But, the bigger picture is not really how they hid and almost made it....it is the fact that people had to do this as a means of trying to survive. You think that it could not happen again....but today the news is ful of conflict and fighting between different races, creeds and religions and we have not learned the lessons history teaches us. For all our advances in the world man has not progressed beyond the concept of hating and distrusting those who are different or who believe differently from them.
Although a museum for all this is not a museum for children. They are too young to appreciate the history and reasons why it is important and the 'simplicity' in it's presentation, never mind the time queuing to get in, would not appeal to a generation brought up on interactive multimedia presentations. That is not to say they should not visit as it is a behavioural and cultural lesson in appreciating the past.
But, like most museums you exit via the cafe and the shop! However, after having dried out a little, not the feet, socks or shoes or trouser bottoms, they felt the need for some warm tea and coffee to warm them up. The upper levels of the museum are cold and finally making it back to warmer levels is appreciated!
The shop is a contrast to most museum shops. It is understated, like the museum, and the majority of the shop is given over to Anne Franks diary in a wide range of languages. There are postcards and posters but none of the typical key rings, mugs, pens and other typical 'tat' you are used to.
So....it was back out into the rain.....not quite as heavy.....but still heavy and the queue still snaked its way down and round two corners....and they were tempted to say to people.....if you are here....keep going.....only about 90 minutes till you get there.
But somehow, waiting and queueing in the rain somehow added to the experience in a strange way.
They waddled their way back to the hotel via a shop to pick up some lunch and the chance to get a shower and heat up!
Linda's friend, Shona Marshall, is shooting today at the Commonwealth Games and there is not much hope the coverage will be on the TV here. They have access to BBC 1 - but not the range of live feeds from all sports!
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Amsterdam! Nae seen any tulips!
Hey man.....how you doin.....things are well relaxed here.......know what I mean??
Well, they got here and google maps must be better here than they were in Paris!
After getting on the train and getting their seats they had a pleasant journey - although quite slow! The train sped from Paris to Brussels - no doubt on the Eurostar line! But after that it slowed down considerably....and there did not seem to be many leaves on the line!
The train was very busy....and it had scheduled stops at Brussels, Anrwerp, Rotterdam and Schipol Airport before reaching Amsterdam Centraal after 3 hours 20 minutes! The only excitement was a child seemingly getting stuck in one of the doors and causing a fuss....but they do not see anything! And there was a lady with a little 6month old baby behind us who was good as gold.
Getting off the train was a bit of a cattle market but once you got a bit of space they soon made it to the exit. He said.....yes....it's a short walk....and...you guessed it.....well....it was actually! All of 8 minutes to the hotel!
It was obvious the budget was spent on the London hotel and the Paris hotel as this was a bit more of a .........come down! It reminds them of some of the motels they had been in in Oz or one or two of the motels they were in in California! The room will encourage them to get out and about!
First impressions can be problematic and having come for London and Paris it is going to be hard to live up to! Perhaps doing the trip the other way round would have been a good idea! But....they got booked in and got to their cell.....sorry......room! Then they went for a walk about the get the lie of the land! It is busy....but seems to have a different atmosphere and feel to Paris and London! Things helped once they had found a canal and that made it feel more special!
Again there seem to be quite a number of dubious areas and it's not often unusual to find a couple of sex shops with a bike rental shop next door!! And then there are the coffee shops.....it is interesting to see some of the passers by taking deep breaths as they go past!
They found somewhere for a couple of drinks before walking more and then having dinner before heading for an early night! I think these says may be a little less full on than the previous days before heading home!
Tomorrow's aim is to book a visit to Anne Frank's and possibly a boat trip on the canals!
Anyway man.....relax......chill out.....be cool!!
Will update more tomorrow....maybe....possibly....yeah man......what was I saying??
Aurevoir Paris!!
Well! I knew they would find something about Feance they didn't like!! And today was the day!!
They were up early and packed fairly quickly before heading for breakfast at Prêt!
Before going A went to check with the concierge about getting to the station - Gare du Nord again! They weren't going to walk this time!! He said, 'Ah it is the final of the Tour today so everything will be busy!! The taxi firm we usually use will not be able to get taxis till three! What time do you need to be there? Oh..12.00 noon! Well, you could take the train as it should only be 8 or 9 minutes!'
He told us to get the train from Gare St Lazare! Easy ....it's 5 minutes away!
So breskfast, back and check all! Well, we wait at reception to check out! This American lady is there complaining she got locked in her bathroom and she thought someone had come in her room! Well, if I had I would have LOCKED her in and left her!
Then she asked where she could go to speak to a top barman in a really fancy hotel as she has a recipe for a vodka based drink that is going to take over tbe world! As if the hotel guy would know where she could go and talk to a cocktail maker in a top hotel!
Well, he was patient and suggested a few hotels on the Champs Des Eylysees and The Rotz which was not far!
Well - word of advice - dont go to meet cocktail makers in top hotels wearing the very SMALL denim shorts you are now! They will think you are a lush!!
So.....checked out and on tbe way! Simple!
Well the first error was the concierge did NOT say the Metro! He said the train station! So A queued AGAIN in a line for 25 minutes. On making it to the desk the man looked at him and said. 'Magenta? That's the Metro! You need to go down to the Metro!'
So...he went and got Linda and the bags and headed to the Metro! Now, whoever designed this station needs to be shot.... or as we are in France - beheaded!!
Signs were very unclear, they went up, down, round and round!! Eventually they found a ticket counter and got two tickets! But she said it was back and round and along more! So off we set again! Eventually after going down about two more levels they find steps saying 31 and 32! But is it 31 or 32? We ask a lady who says either - but then points to one on the right!
So we make it down and find we have a 15 minute wait! The train arrives and we get off at Magenta - which was the colour they were looking - and headed off to find Gare Du Nore! Well, first they have to compete with the ticket gate! Most have o place for a ticket so they stand swiping the ticket on anything that looks remotely swipey! No joy! Then another couple get stuck in their turnstyle! We get one to take the ticket but the turnstyle waits till you are half way through and duly closes! I think the air did get a little more magenta coloured!!
Now..in the main station they found the Thayls trains and waited for the platform number to be called!! So they are now on nosed and are whizzibg through the French countryside!
So I will wait to do my summing up on their time in Paris! Suffice to say another trip will be planned in the future! What a wonderful city!!
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Last Night Walk!
Well, he left both of us at the hotel as he said he wanted a walk to see the Louvre! Well, there's one IN the room so where was he going?
It was dark when he left - something about getting good photos! But it's DARK!!!
Well, after his success last night was tonight going to be any better?
The Louvre is stunning - but at night time when lit up it is absolutely stunning!!
Also for a stuffy museum and art gallery it is very popular at night - when it's closed!! There were hundreds there enjoying the warm night air and many were having picnics on couples, small groups or larger groups of 10-12! Guys were even playing frisbee in front of the pyramid! If it hits it and breaks a window I hope they are good runners as the police are armed and dangerous!
Many couples walked round romantically while at least two Japanese couples were there in either their wedding rig out or there 'belle of the ball' outfits - along with the photographer and the 'lacky' to run about and do what he was told!
But it was spectacular - and in my view bet even the view of the Eiffel Tower! And that is some praise!!
Posh Shops!
Galleries Lafayette is the place to shop according to the guide books! Well, it was a far more chic Harrods, an upgraded Selftidges but at the end if tbe day a shop for people with BIG wallets! They spent time looking for the photos in the guides - but failed miserably! They saw Gucci, YSL, Mulberry, Prada, Gaultier and many others - but no gallery's!!
They did go up to the ninth floor in the department store and saw great views of Paris - better than they had seen elsewhere!! It helped to link everything together and let you see how far they had walked to each place!!
So they moved on and ended up in C & A! Yes...C & A! But ...it was pretty grim!!
So they went for tea!!
Day 7- Moulin Rouge et Sacré Coeur!
Well...they slept in again today! But they did have a late night last night trying to get photos of the Eiffel Tower!
So...once up and ready...they headed off to Prêt a Mangér for their breakfast! This was just round the corner from Madeleine Church and was quite quiet! L was not feeling 100% so it was going to be a cut down version of the day....The Moulin Rouge and The Sacré Coeur! This is apparently the highest point in the city and affords great views of the city!
So...off they set....map in hand....past a few of the now familiar places like Galleries Lafayette, which they are heading out to soon, and Gare St Lazare, they knew they were heading 'up' and so kept taking the streets that were going in the general direction! Soon, the streets became quieter and less tourist like as they slowly climbed! The steers were narrower and had more typical shops you would expect for a local neighbourhood! The one thing each area has is a pharmacy! Now, each of these pharmacy's has a flashing light out side it and it goes through various routines of lights and patterns - often showing the date, time and temperature! But each pharmacy has a sign....it must be a law that they have to have a flashing neon sign! And some.....even have condom machines on the walls outside! Well!!
As we are on that subject.....in one of the 'nice' shops L looked in yesterday...they did have a rather large display of condoms...as many shops, tourist ones in particular, tend to have! They noticed some that were designed for people of different ages - perhaps as birthday gifts! It went a little like this......they were trying to provide a memory service for the purchaser!
For those reaching THIRTY : they were labeled....Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
For those reaching FORTY: they were labelled January, February, March and April!
And for those reaching FIFTY: they were labelled 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016!
Anyway, moving on.....they made there way up to Montmartres and it began to get busier! As they were nearing the Moulin Rouge A reminded L to look at for the windmill.....as that provides a link to tomorrow's journey to Amsterdam! A windmill she said? Oh dear!
Anyway, as we wondered down to Boulevard de Clichy it became more and more apparent that this was a more colourful part of the city! As it was day time there were no red lights....but there was a glow! And then...they saw it....and L summed it up, 'That's the most disappointing thing I've seen since I left!'
Like the movie....the real place did not live up to expectations. It looked a little tired and run down and perhaps a little seedy! People were buying tickets for tonight's show...and we didn't even see a trace of a stocking, a slender leg...or so much as a hint of the can can music!
So....A asked if they wanted to hang about....but it was a definite NO! So..on they went....now on their way to The Sacré Coeur! But this meant continuing down the boulevard which was most certainly red-light Central! An assortment of sex shops, fetish shops and some decidely ropey looking 'bars' or 'massage parlours' stretched down both sides of the street! Wickedly A asked if L wanted to do any shopping? But again....it was a definite NO and on they went!
They took one of the side streets that started to climb up again! L did ask if it was going to be very hilly and far....but A used the by now stock, not stocking!, answer...of 'No, we are almost there!'
After a little while L needed the loo so this meant a cafe stop for a drink! Ten Euros for two small cokes....no such thing as spending a penny in Paris! They were asked to move from where they sat down to one of the tables that was not 'dressed' for lunch! So....we sat at a table....which had an almost 30 degree slope and held on the the bottles and glasses!
However, they soon made it up the last few sets of steps......L saying.....'I thought you said there was a funicular railway that took you up?' Well, there is.....but we missed it...and were now at a level about half way up the route so we carried on.....more steps....and more steps!
But, the steps were worth it....not necessarily for the view which was disappointing as you could not really see the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Tripmphe but for the stunning church set on the top of the hill! The many turreted and spiralled domes and looking up to this magnificent building on top of the hill made it all worthwhile!
They climbed the last couple of flights of steps and joined the......QUEUE....to get in! However, it moved rapidly and they were soon entering the church! L was disappointed to see and old man and an old women virtually at the door of the church begging as the tourists filed in! I think it was the fact these people were on the steps and at the door of the church but received no help from them! Perhaps they did....who knows....but sad to see!
On entering the church you leave the bright sunlight behind and it is dark and cool a man on the door tells you to put cameras or phones in your bags as NO photos are permitted. Signs also ask for silence for those praying and meditating!

The church is magnificent inside! Simple, but vast and with a stunning fresco painted on the high domed ceiling at the mid point of the building! The alter area is made out of gleaming marble with traces of gold but the rest is quite plain and simple! People stopped to light candles or to pray or to try and sneakily take photos as they went! It annoys you when you respect the churches wishes by not taking photos when some blatantly ignore the request and take photos!
They made their way right round the church looking at the roof, the windows, the many different small chapels and prayer areas round the building before sitting at the back and taking some time to take in the magnificence of the place.
A number of workers were on patrol and were on the lookout for those trying to take photos surreptitiously or to 'SHUSH' those making a noise!mone particular guy....a black man.....looking very officious in his navy trousers, blue shirt and tie.....strides around continually going, 'Shhhhh! Shhhhh!' Or if he saw someone with a camera or phone out trying to sneak a photo....he'd suddenly break his OWN silence by merely saying..'STOP' over and over till the person got the message! You would suddenly hear, 'Stop! Stop! Stop!....STOP!'...but he never asked people to delete them! Neither did he say, 'Please, no photos!' or, 'Excuse me, no photographs allowed!'....it was just STOP repeated again and again till they got it! Some looked apologetic, some looked surprised (although...a guy TOLD you on your way in.....NO CAMERAS!' ) and one or two just smiled ruefully as they knew fine they were not meant to be doing it! Perhaps some of these guys came a cropper on the way down the steps once they left!
So..they sat for quite a time.....admiring the scene and contemplating before once more walking round the church before leaving to admire the views - and find another toilet for L!
Now, seriously, the French doesn't do toilets well! For all these places that people throng to see there seems to be a great lack of public toilets! The French must have great bladders if that is the case! So...we had to find another cafe!
They took the funicular on the way down.....all 150 metres of it....but it did cut out many steps that would have to have been traversed if not!
From their they walked and walked....heading down and bearing right till they made it to the hotel area and found Rue de Mathurins again! Having approached it and walked all round it for three days now...it always appears to look different from every direction you approach it from
Anyway, they had a rest and are now heading out to the famous 'Galeries Layfayette' to do some shopping.....or to look at some shops!
I guess there won't be any seedy sex shops here!!
And...I bet there may well be some more public toilets that's in other parts of the city!
So....one night to go before they head off toAmsterdam! I wonder what delights await there.....I hear they too are in to red lights and even some other items of the illegal sort at home! Could be interesting!
Sent from my iPad
Friday, 25 July 2014
Paris at Night
They headed off to see The Eiffel Tower after dinner tonight! Quite a trek and eventually, after stopping for dinner, they made it to a viewing point!
It was spectacular! The tower lit up and gleaming in the sky was a sight to see! Then, as if it were Christmas, it twinkled manically against the dark sky!
This is one of the views you have to see hit yourself!
The river was heaving with boat loads of visitors enjoying the riverside views from tbe river!
A great sight - tbe only disappointment the poor photos due to taking the crap tripod which made it difficult to get a steady view!
But - seeing tbe sight was well worth the long walk - and the return journey which included one or two wrong turns in tbe dark! (Being diverted by the police due to a road closure did not help!!!)
Day 6 - Went to the Louvre....and more!
Day 6 - Went to the Louvre....and more!
Well, today they were up early! Alarm at 7.50 and up and ready for the off! Possibly not walking as much today....or so they thought! First things first.....find somewhere for breakfast! Well...some cafés looked ok...but were empty and you always wonder about places that are empty! They found one up by Madeleine and it looked ok! But, it was pricy for what we had! A had a coffee and toast while L had tea and toast! However, he was trying to get us to have an English breakfast....and asking for English breakfast tea did not help! Tea and coffee are very expensive in cafés here ....and you never seem to get what you are really looking for! Anyway, €20 later we are on our way!
Well, today they were up early! Alarm at 7.50 and up and ready for the off! Possibly not walking as much today....or so they thought! First things first.....find somewhere for breakfast! Well...some cafés looked ok...but were empty and you always wonder about places that are empty! They found one up by Madeleine and it looked ok! But, it was pricy for what we had! A had a coffee and toast while L had tea and toast! However, he was trying to get us to have an English breakfast....and asking for English breakfast tea did not help! Tea and coffee are very expensive in cafés here ....and you never seem to get what you are really looking for! Anyway, €20 later we are on our way!
So...today is down the other part of the Seine! They got to La place De La Concorde and crossed the busy street of Rue de Rivoli to get to the Tuileries Jardins! This would lead us down to the Louvre eventually! The French don't seem to do tar in parks! The grass areas are ok....but they often ask you not to go on the grass but the other areas are just rough-like surfaces! They are dusty and have lots of small stones that I am sure get in lots of peoples shoes and cause issues!
Anyway, it was still quite quiet but everyone seemed to be heading in the same general direction! They stopped and took more photos to bore you with and then sat on some of the chairs round one of the ponds! Apparently it is traditional to go to the pond and rent a wooden boat that you can sail round the pond with a radio handset! One man was there and seemed to be having fun!
They continued in and the gardens were quite nice...but very plain! Perhaps the rough surface is due to the fact that in years gone by they were used by horses and carts or that if they had tar....it might melt in the heat of the day! Some of the statues were interesting. And provided a bit of shade walking up under the trees to see them.
Then as the Louvre was getting closer then number of people increased! As did the sellers who were there with their Eiffel Towers again and various other articles for sale! Oh....and the guys with bottles of water in buckets! Did I recognise one for the tower? Anyway, one poor guy got a real mouthful from one lady who was none too pleased....at what we don't know....but it was obvious she was telling him to go back from whence he came and he just brushed her aside! I don't want to get on the wrong side of her...that's for sure!
Anyway, as you approached the Louvre you pass the Paris wheel! Not quite the London Eye...but they tried! Oh...and some ride that takes you up high then swings you round and round as the French flags connected to the chairs billow in the air! The people living in the rather posh looking apartments across the road for the gardens must LOVE IT!
Anyway, they make it to the Louvre! Even the approach to it is amazing...once you dodge the Tower sellers, scarf sellers, flying bird sellers and those selling everything! The three sided palace at the entrance is stunning....but is overshadowed by the more famous glass pyramid! It takes you breath away and the contrast between it and the elaborate architecture of the palace really works! But everyone is focused on it and are jostling again for the best views!!
However, the one thing you notice is the queue! Yes....another queue that stretched away....with people standing in the heat!! So....they kept walking round taking photos in different positions...but with the pyramid in it somewhere? They have a number of stone cubes people can stand on and nearly everyone was trying to jump on one....and then try to get a photo with their fingers appearing if they were touching the top of the pyramid! Well, no point in me trying that...I'm too small anyway and paws are not very good in those situations!!
So..they continued going round the facade of the building and went through the arch in the centre that took them in to a huge courtyard area the huge palace stretched right round and the three storeys of the museum were quite imposing! It's no wonder the French rose up to topple the aristocracy if they lived like this compared to those who struggled with very little! I felt sorry for the poor sculptors who must have spent years working on the palace when it was built. The gaffer would have said....ok.....you sculpted that pattern for the widow arch....we actually need 9 for each window.....oh....and there are at least 300 windows in this courtyard! A lifetimes work.....carving the same little spiral time after time after time!
The palace is huge and if the whole building houses the museum and art gallery you would need hours and hours to even skim the surface! The army were in plentiful number and wander around in their combats and boots with their machine guns in their hands. Perhaps not a good idea to ask for a photo!
From here they left and carried on down the banks of the Seine Nd headed for the Ponts De Arts bridge! This is the bridge, but there appear to be other places people do this, where people lock padlocks on to the footbridge to show their love for someone! Well, someone was well organised and they had their padlocks....plural.....with them! There was one for A and L stating they had been together from 1981 - 2014 and on.....and one which is advertising MY blog! Well....I wonder if anyone will see it and check my blog! Th bridge was absolutely COVERED in padlocks! You could not see the sides of the bridge for the padlocks.....and there must have been thousands and thousands of them! Most were inscribed by permanent pen....while some had had theirs engraved...either before coming or from one of the little shops we did see later that would engrave your message on it! But ours had been done before we left......and it must have been difficult to try to write a whole web address on it....especially as it's not an easy one like bbc.co.uk?
So...they looked for the right place to put them! Some panels were so full you could not even get more on if your tried! But there were some newer looking panels which obviously means that over time they have to replace panels and TAKE old padlocks away! They thought they would be there ...well.....for ever! At one point they used to remove them as there were concerns the weight might be bad for the bridge and put it in danger! But, they locked them on and then threw the keys into the river as tradition demands! There were not many with padlocks....so a bit of prep does help! They left my key on the same ring as theirs so I was not going to be totally abandoned! But....here's a possible new TV challenge show.....dive in the river.....swim down to the bottom....find a key.....and then find the padlock it opens! But....could be difficult to squeeze into an hour long format....with possibly three ad breaks thrown in!
But...it was romantic and looking at some of the padlocks was interesting! Some people must have real complexes as some of the padlocks were huge.....and looked awful....but they were definitely going for big is best!
From here....they headed down to Ile De Citie....the island in the Seine with Notre Dame on it! But first they thought they would get some food for lunch to eat on the riverbank at the tip of the island! So...before crossing the ventured in to some of the streets on the south side of the river looking for one of the many shops or bakers that sold picnic goods for people to buy and eat alfresco! Well, the rule of thumb is simple....if you need one you CANT find one and if you don't need one.....there are rows of them! Well, they could not find anything and ended up in a well known stellar coffee chain before they made their way back to the island....and of course the several bakers that are always round the next corner when you don't need it!
So....they crossed and spent some time sitting in the garden at the east end of the Ile. They then walked down the island and finally made it to Notre Dam! A got a dig in the ribs for his impression of the hunchback and WHISPERING...The bells, the bells.......! Honestly!
The church soars into the air and you could see the small figures of people up on the top of the towers! I bet some of them were shouting......The bells, the bells!! So...they joined the queue to enter and have a moment of peace and quiet in the dark interior! Signs made it clear.....no hats, no noise and no flashing! Well, I'm glad about that....but apparently it was camera flashes they meant! So in they went and joined the throng of people looking round. The Catholic Church have obviously gone all modern as their confessional boxes seemed to have been replaced by glass walled 'greenhouses' built in to some of the alcoves!
On leaving the ancient church with no sign of Quasimodo to be seen they bought ice cream to try and provide a little respite from the continuing heat! They walked round the island and then across to the smaller island to look at some of the shops. They then left the islands and crossed back to the 'mainland' to head towards The Pantheon and Palais du Luxembourg. Well, they eventually found The Pantheon.....another gothic styled church....and then the gardens which were certainly better than those along the Champs Élysées. The Palais was very beautiful and the park was full of people sitting in the shade of the trees....reading, playing chess, eating, talking and even kissing! Tut tut!!
So...by this time they were getting tired and had sore feet! So they started the long walk back to the hotel....with the instruction that L wanted a crêpe on the way home! Well, again it took forever to find a cafe doing crêpes but they did find one. They crossed the river once more and made their way back past the Louvre and down the shaded part of the Tullieres Jardin before making it back finally to the hotel! Tonight they hope to make it back to the Eiffel Tower to get some photos of it in the dark! Well, we shall see!
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Anyway, it was still quite quiet but everyone seemed to be heading in the same general direction! They stopped and took more photos to bore you with and then sat on some of the chairs round one of the ponds! Apparently it is traditional to go to the pond and rent a wooden boat that you can sail round the pond with a radio handset! One man was there and seemed to be having fun!
They continued in and the gardens were quite nice...but very plain! Perhaps the rough surface is due to the fact that in years gone by they were used by horses and carts or that if they had tar....it might melt in the heat of the day! Some of the statues were interesting. And provided a bit of shade walking up under the trees to see them.
Then as the Louvre was getting closer then number of people increased! As did the sellers who were there with their Eiffel Towers again and various other articles for sale! Oh....and the guys with bottles of water in buckets! Did I recognise one for the tower? Anyway, one poor guy got a real mouthful from one lady who was none too pleased....at what we don't know....but it was obvious she was telling him to go back from whence he came and he just brushed her aside! I don't want to get on the wrong side of her...that's for sure!
Anyway, as you approached the Louvre you pass the Paris wheel! Not quite the London Eye...but they tried! Oh...and some ride that takes you up high then swings you round and round as the French flags connected to the chairs billow in the air! The people living in the rather posh looking apartments across the road for the gardens must LOVE IT!
Anyway, they make it to the Louvre! Even the approach to it is amazing...once you dodge the Tower sellers, scarf sellers, flying bird sellers and those selling everything! The three sided palace at the entrance is stunning....but is overshadowed by the more famous glass pyramid! It takes you breath away and the contrast between it and the elaborate architecture of the palace really works! But everyone is focused on it and are jostling again for the best views!!
However, the one thing you notice is the queue! Yes....another queue that stretched away....with people standing in the heat!! So....they kept walking round taking photos in different positions...but with the pyramid in it somewhere? They have a number of stone cubes people can stand on and nearly everyone was trying to jump on one....and then try to get a photo with their fingers appearing if they were touching the top of the pyramid! Well, no point in me trying that...I'm too small anyway and paws are not very good in those situations!!
So..they continued going round the facade of the building and went through the arch in the centre that took them in to a huge courtyard area the huge palace stretched right round and the three storeys of the museum were quite imposing! It's no wonder the French rose up to topple the aristocracy if they lived like this compared to those who struggled with very little! I felt sorry for the poor sculptors who must have spent years working on the palace when it was built. The gaffer would have said....ok.....you sculpted that pattern for the widow arch....we actually need 9 for each window.....oh....and there are at least 300 windows in this courtyard! A lifetimes work.....carving the same little spiral time after time after time!
The palace is huge and if the whole building houses the museum and art gallery you would need hours and hours to even skim the surface! The army were in plentiful number and wander around in their combats and boots with their machine guns in their hands. Perhaps not a good idea to ask for a photo!
From here they left and carried on down the banks of the Seine Nd headed for the Ponts De Arts bridge! This is the bridge, but there appear to be other places people do this, where people lock padlocks on to the footbridge to show their love for someone! Well, someone was well organised and they had their padlocks....plural.....with them! There was one for A and L stating they had been together from 1981 - 2014 and on.....and one which is advertising MY blog! Well....I wonder if anyone will see it and check my blog! Th bridge was absolutely COVERED in padlocks! You could not see the sides of the bridge for the padlocks.....and there must have been thousands and thousands of them! Most were inscribed by permanent pen....while some had had theirs engraved...either before coming or from one of the little shops we did see later that would engrave your message on it! But ours had been done before we left......and it must have been difficult to try to write a whole web address on it....especially as it's not an easy one like bbc.co.uk?
So...they looked for the right place to put them! Some panels were so full you could not even get more on if your tried! But there were some newer looking panels which obviously means that over time they have to replace panels and TAKE old padlocks away! They thought they would be there ...well.....for ever! At one point they used to remove them as there were concerns the weight might be bad for the bridge and put it in danger! But, they locked them on and then threw the keys into the river as tradition demands! There were not many with padlocks....so a bit of prep does help! They left my key on the same ring as theirs so I was not going to be totally abandoned! But....here's a possible new TV challenge show.....dive in the river.....swim down to the bottom....find a key.....and then find the padlock it opens! But....could be difficult to squeeze into an hour long format....with possibly three ad breaks thrown in!
But...it was romantic and looking at some of the padlocks was interesting! Some people must have real complexes as some of the padlocks were huge.....and looked awful....but they were definitely going for big is best!
From here....they headed down to Ile De Citie....the island in the Seine with Notre Dame on it! But first they thought they would get some food for lunch to eat on the riverbank at the tip of the island! So...before crossing the ventured in to some of the streets on the south side of the river looking for one of the many shops or bakers that sold picnic goods for people to buy and eat alfresco! Well, the rule of thumb is simple....if you need one you CANT find one and if you don't need one.....there are rows of them! Well, they could not find anything and ended up in a well known stellar coffee chain before they made their way back to the island....and of course the several bakers that are always round the next corner when you don't need it!
So....they crossed and spent some time sitting in the garden at the east end of the Ile. They then walked down the island and finally made it to Notre Dam! A got a dig in the ribs for his impression of the hunchback and WHISPERING...The bells, the bells.......! Honestly!
The church soars into the air and you could see the small figures of people up on the top of the towers! I bet some of them were shouting......The bells, the bells!! So...they joined the queue to enter and have a moment of peace and quiet in the dark interior! Signs made it clear.....no hats, no noise and no flashing! Well, I'm glad about that....but apparently it was camera flashes they meant! So in they went and joined the throng of people looking round. The Catholic Church have obviously gone all modern as their confessional boxes seemed to have been replaced by glass walled 'greenhouses' built in to some of the alcoves!
On leaving the ancient church with no sign of Quasimodo to be seen they bought ice cream to try and provide a little respite from the continuing heat! They walked round the island and then across to the smaller island to look at some of the shops. They then left the islands and crossed back to the 'mainland' to head towards The Pantheon and Palais du Luxembourg. Well, they eventually found The Pantheon.....another gothic styled church....and then the gardens which were certainly better than those along the Champs Élysées. The Palais was very beautiful and the park was full of people sitting in the shade of the trees....reading, playing chess, eating, talking and even kissing! Tut tut!!
So...by this time they were getting tired and had sore feet! So they started the long walk back to the hotel....with the instruction that L wanted a crêpe on the way home! Well, again it took forever to find a cafe doing crêpes but they did find one. They crossed the river once more and made their way back past the Louvre and down the shaded part of the Tullieres Jardin before making it back finally to the hotel! Tonight they hope to make it back to the Eiffel Tower to get some photos of it in the dark! Well, we shall see!
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