Well...they slept in again today! But they did have a late night last night trying to get photos of the Eiffel Tower!
So...once up and ready...they headed off to Prêt a Mangér for their breakfast! This was just round the corner from Madeleine Church and was quite quiet! L was not feeling 100% so it was going to be a cut down version of the day....The Moulin Rouge and The Sacré Coeur! This is apparently the highest point in the city and affords great views of the city!
So...off they set....map in hand....past a few of the now familiar places like Galleries Lafayette, which they are heading out to soon, and Gare St Lazare, they knew they were heading 'up' and so kept taking the streets that were going in the general direction! Soon, the streets became quieter and less tourist like as they slowly climbed! The steers were narrower and had more typical shops you would expect for a local neighbourhood! The one thing each area has is a pharmacy! Now, each of these pharmacy's has a flashing light out side it and it goes through various routines of lights and patterns - often showing the date, time and temperature! But each pharmacy has a sign....it must be a law that they have to have a flashing neon sign! And some.....even have condom machines on the walls outside! Well!!
As we are on that subject.....in one of the 'nice' shops L looked in yesterday...they did have a rather large display of condoms...as many shops, tourist ones in particular, tend to have! They noticed some that were designed for people of different ages - perhaps as birthday gifts! It went a little like this......they were trying to provide a memory service for the purchaser!
For those reaching THIRTY : they were labeled....Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
For those reaching FORTY: they were labelled January, February, March and April!
And for those reaching FIFTY: they were labelled 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016!
Anyway, moving on.....they made there way up to Montmartres and it began to get busier! As they were nearing the Moulin Rouge A reminded L to look at for the windmill.....as that provides a link to tomorrow's journey to Amsterdam! A windmill she said? Oh dear!
Anyway, as we wondered down to Boulevard de Clichy it became more and more apparent that this was a more colourful part of the city! As it was day time there were no red lights....but there was a glow! And then...they saw it....and L summed it up, 'That's the most disappointing thing I've seen since I left!'
Like the movie....the real place did not live up to expectations. It looked a little tired and run down and perhaps a little seedy! People were buying tickets for tonight's show...and we didn't even see a trace of a stocking, a slender leg...or so much as a hint of the can can music!
So....A asked if they wanted to hang about....but it was a definite NO! So..on they went....now on their way to The Sacré Coeur! But this meant continuing down the boulevard which was most certainly red-light Central! An assortment of sex shops, fetish shops and some decidely ropey looking 'bars' or 'massage parlours' stretched down both sides of the street! Wickedly A asked if L wanted to do any shopping? But again....it was a definite NO and on they went!
They took one of the side streets that started to climb up again! L did ask if it was going to be very hilly and far....but A used the by now stock, not stocking!, answer...of 'No, we are almost there!'
After a little while L needed the loo so this meant a cafe stop for a drink! Ten Euros for two small cokes....no such thing as spending a penny in Paris! They were asked to move from where they sat down to one of the tables that was not 'dressed' for lunch! So....we sat at a table....which had an almost 30 degree slope and held on the the bottles and glasses!
However, they soon made it up the last few sets of steps......L saying.....'I thought you said there was a funicular railway that took you up?' Well, there is.....but we missed it...and were now at a level about half way up the route so we carried on.....more steps....and more steps!
But, the steps were worth it....not necessarily for the view which was disappointing as you could not really see the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Tripmphe but for the stunning church set on the top of the hill! The many turreted and spiralled domes and looking up to this magnificent building on top of the hill made it all worthwhile!
They climbed the last couple of flights of steps and joined the......QUEUE....to get in! However, it moved rapidly and they were soon entering the church! L was disappointed to see and old man and an old women virtually at the door of the church begging as the tourists filed in! I think it was the fact these people were on the steps and at the door of the church but received no help from them! Perhaps they did....who knows....but sad to see!
On entering the church you leave the bright sunlight behind and it is dark and cool a man on the door tells you to put cameras or phones in your bags as NO photos are permitted. Signs also ask for silence for those praying and meditating!

The church is magnificent inside! Simple, but vast and with a stunning fresco painted on the high domed ceiling at the mid point of the building! The alter area is made out of gleaming marble with traces of gold but the rest is quite plain and simple! People stopped to light candles or to pray or to try and sneakily take photos as they went! It annoys you when you respect the churches wishes by not taking photos when some blatantly ignore the request and take photos!
They made their way right round the church looking at the roof, the windows, the many different small chapels and prayer areas round the building before sitting at the back and taking some time to take in the magnificence of the place.
A number of workers were on patrol and were on the lookout for those trying to take photos surreptitiously or to 'SHUSH' those making a noise!mone particular guy....a black man.....looking very officious in his navy trousers, blue shirt and tie.....strides around continually going, 'Shhhhh! Shhhhh!' Or if he saw someone with a camera or phone out trying to sneak a photo....he'd suddenly break his OWN silence by merely saying..'STOP' over and over till the person got the message! You would suddenly hear, 'Stop! Stop! Stop!....STOP!'...but he never asked people to delete them! Neither did he say, 'Please, no photos!' or, 'Excuse me, no photographs allowed!'....it was just STOP repeated again and again till they got it! Some looked apologetic, some looked surprised (although...a guy TOLD you on your way in.....NO CAMERAS!' ) and one or two just smiled ruefully as they knew fine they were not meant to be doing it! Perhaps some of these guys came a cropper on the way down the steps once they left!
So..they sat for quite a time.....admiring the scene and contemplating before once more walking round the church before leaving to admire the views - and find another toilet for L!
Now, seriously, the French doesn't do toilets well! For all these places that people throng to see there seems to be a great lack of public toilets! The French must have great bladders if that is the case! So...we had to find another cafe!
They took the funicular on the way down.....all 150 metres of it....but it did cut out many steps that would have to have been traversed if not!
From their they walked and walked....heading down and bearing right till they made it to the hotel area and found Rue de Mathurins again! Having approached it and walked all round it for three days now...it always appears to look different from every direction you approach it from
Anyway, they had a rest and are now heading out to the famous 'Galeries Layfayette' to do some shopping.....or to look at some shops!
I guess there won't be any seedy sex shops here!!
And...I bet there may well be some more public toilets that's in other parts of the city!
So....one night to go before they head off toAmsterdam! I wonder what delights await there.....I hear they too are in to red lights and even some other items of the illegal sort at home! Could be interesting!
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